Black-crested Titmouse, South LLano River State Park (TX) - 2016
Nikon D500, 500mm f/4
1/1600 sec at f/7.1, ISO 4000
2. An ingrained reluctance to erase or delete data. This is mostly a carry over from my years in the lab; my fingers often refuse to press the delete key. Also, I have the undesireable ability to find something of interest in almost every file. Why did I save the image of an American Bittern, small in the frame, flying away from me in a direction in which the head is not visible? Look at the interesting pattern of feathers on the back of that bird. You don't see that in the portrait of the bird when it is facing the camera. Many photos lacking artistic value show features that are helpful in the identification of the bird. Recently I have tried to compensate for the difficulty I have deleting photos by creating a mirror Lightroom catalog named FFFF_archive (Fur, Fin, Feather, Fuzzy). My fingers do not rebel when I remove files from the main catalog by sending them to another catalog. The fingers say this isn't destroying data, it is merely filing it in a different location. It doesn't matter that I may never look at those images again. Unfortunately, I did not adopt this strategy until last year (continued below).