Another batch from Bolivar - April 24 - May 2, 2023

Yellow Warbler

Prothonotary Warbler

Baltimore Oriole

Worm-eating Warbler

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Red-eyed Vireo

Yellow-breasted Vireo

Easter Wood-Pewee

Easter Wood-Pewee

Semipalmated Plover

Semipalmated Plover

Semipalmated Plover

Spotted Sandpiper


Forster's Tern

Royal Tern

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Crested Caracara

Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Clapper Rail

Least Bittern

Common Nighthawk

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David Sparks

I retired in 2005 after 40 years of research and teaching at the University of Alabama in Birmingham (24 years), the University of Pennsylvania (8 years) and the Baylor College of Medicine (8 years). Photography is my retirement hobby.

Nature photography, especially bird photography, combines a number of things that I really enjoy: bird-watching, being outdoors, photography, travel, messing about with computers, and learning new skills and concepts.  I now spend much of my time engaged in these activities.

David Sibley in the preface to The Sibley Guide to Birds wrote "Birds are beautiful, in spectacular as well as subtle ways; their colors, shapes, actions, and sounds are among the most aesthetically pleasing in nature."  My goal is to acquire images that capture the beauty and uniqueness of selected species as well as images that highlight the engaging behaviors the birds exhibit.